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Intelligence Surfing (2)

☞ ★★★★★ Beware of personal belongings ★★★★★

我妈领养的义女和婚约,也是他们喊走的。脑-机-卫思想联动,全球任意实时高精度画面。无人机群即能飞檐走壁也能像灵魂一样随意穿越墙壁和时空&距离。加上俄罗斯银行几十颗通讯定位卫星,最多约20秒全球任意一只蚂蚁的姿势都看得清楚。大家快来瞧一瞧,我的傻母亲百般疼爱的准儿媳。“你母亲带回来的人杀了人,我们给你很好。”飞檐走壁团体。 “实际上大多数时空记录,都是我们替你回溯的。”飞檐走壁团体。心灵感应封锁消息啊,当初在天堂街头许多人们投过来饮料和话语。


0312 亲爱的高等文明亲戚和美丽的警察小姐姐,你们好!
https://attachment.swats.net/Interception Opportunity Last Bus A.jpg
https://attachment.swats.net/Interception Opportunity Last Bus B.jpg https://attachment.swats.net/Interception Opportunity Last Bus C.jpg

一点微不足道的心灵感应,要群殴、要公决、还要讹诈。某些人祸从口出,不要怪我冷漠。 因为,不需要多少证据、不分好坏、肯定会赔。

1. Firstly, in laws such as the UK, Italy, Germany, Romania, etc., the property allocated to each of us by our parents is handled according to our individual thoughts, but the final interpretation rights belong to the lawyer. It's hard, like a businessman who is heavily in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy. If he had communicated anything to his children, he would have lost the child pension case.
2. The United Nations, the world's largest organization of unscrupulous people, is a group of people who are inferior to pigs and dogs. Most people, they have been drinking the blood of their biological parents and eating the flesh of their biological parents' legs for generations.
3. The IBM etc. uncle led his family to frequently visit the residences of members of parliament from various countries, rolling on the ground and crying, "The boss of World War II, Swiss bank with hundreds of trillions of dollars in fixed assets." So soon, the satellites above this city were more powerful than Area 51. More. Even, there are more parliamentarian groups and legal groups from various countries pestering me than there are flies in the toilet. Uncle IBM, "Your mother said that her part of the IBM company will be exchanged with me to send you home." Uncle IBM said again, "Can I send you home? "
4~6. Advanced telepathy, parliament and union unanimously deciding. If not at the table, then on the menu. Funny souls, we are in this together.
7. In the International High Court, US aircraft carrier bills, etc. and President Kennedy embezzlement bills. 160 large Chinese enterprises were handed over to the Chinese government, and they did not know that it was a gift from the British. Really, you are so shameless.
8. This is an international protocol from the British royal family through the British government to the world. The agreement includes $20 trillion in cash deposits and direct withdrawal of cash from any empty paper in the world's major banks. DNA Fast Certification, issued by the UK. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China found someone to take out the money in advance. And more than $100 trillion.
9. I don't pretend, my mother is the head of the Credit Suisse and Russia Bank etc.
   1) The German Emperor Prince Wilhelm of the German Bank sent killers to murder several of the super biological computer gold-armored bodyguards my mother hired at the Russian Bank.
   2) My four-dimensional ankle is forever displayed in the economic time and space of the Russian Central Bank. And any performance by anyone who breaks into this core computer room is inside my three-dimensional brain. Take a closer look at what's inside the chip key box. Due to the huge difference in civilization levels, cracking is impossible. 人话,芯片秘钥加密不可逆。英特尔和AMD处理器所以超级性能框架和细节,都是它们的总工程师在30年前设计。并且技术取得流程是十分肮脏的,超级文明的脸面请和我们思想链接。看在地球游乐园旅行合作商的名下,呼唤一生“红妹”地球人不知好歹。英特尔微弱优先股持有人,大脑可证明大家随意。要不,大家先去俄罗斯银行围观围观。不过30年前即几岁时各种架构几十颗核心夹着不出就是整不硬,如今正能量闭门商议处决某些议会及内阁而非公司个人或团体。小弟弟小妹妹,小鬼只需哭泣和打滚。剩下的,议会会会上门的。
   3) The lizard men wear holsters and control everything.
   4) A group of naked Jews are carrying cargo day and night in a spaceship outside the earth. Jesus mask, behind the scenes. Fool, fool, higher civilization is kind!
   5) When you watch and experience consciousness upload immortality. Let's continue to share, the real virtual code...
   6) They had a lively chat, I don't say it doesn't mean it's a secret.
   7) There are two mysterious super-speed UFO submarines that occasionally sail in the ocean, one belongs to Credit Suisse and the other belongs to UBS. All originated from Atlantis. Suddenly one day, they threatened my children with hundreds of kilograms of venomous snakes. The most important thing is a number of big interstellar businesses. UBS tied me up in the chair and charged at the front.
10. My parents have already passed away, and they have smashed the bad computer that accompanied me. Consciousness upload, just like Amazon.
11. The global village is already small and everyone is a good neighbor. I don’t avoid conflict, nor do I avoid problem solving, but how could it be their turn to point fingers in the referendum...
展示之图片,1999年的故事。“我们投资后悔了,请把资金还我们。...”比田纳西州51区上空卫星数量还更多。无论在哪里,每次都是几十或上百颗卫星聚焦并喊话。就比如,你的寿险拿到了本国最高高等法院登记而且还去了国外套得深。 将爸爸妈妈心肝脾肺肾统统卖了,是我的又能怎么!最后,大家别看俄罗斯一个鸟不拉屎的国度。它铁山有权重的。


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